Removing Duplicate Photos

I went on a trip to Singapore recently and took around 500 photographs. I am not very good behind a camera, so i just got trigger happy and clicked whatever i could. After coming back i transferred the photographs to my laptop and started organizing them. I had some photos in my cell phone, some … Read more

Merge Shapefile polygons using Quantum GIS

This article looks at how to merge shapefile polygons using Quantum GIS. you can download Quantum GIS from Here. We demonstrate the merging using an example. We have a France shapefile that shows all the regions in France. We want to merge all the regions and create a single shapefile for France. Here are the … Read more

Using firePHP in firefox to debug PHP

Debugging PHP pages for a web application may be challenging. However, firePHP, a firefox extension can make debugging PHP pages very simple. Here are the steps to start debugging using firePHP. 1. Install firebug from 2. Install the firePHP extension from The browser is now ready to receive the PHP logs that are sent from … Read more

Tabbed window for Cygwin and Windows command prompt

Opening up multiple cygwin windows or windows command prompt has annoyed almost every developer who had to do it. This post presents a way to open tabbed cygwin and windows command prompt using Console ( . Here are the steps: Download console2 from Unzip it and launch console.exe. This should open up a window that … Read more

static imports in java

Many a times we use static methods or constants in our class. For example if you are writing a math library, there are chances that you would need to use lot of math functions from java.lang.Math. for example to calculate the nth power of x you would do y = Math.pow(x,3); pow is a static … Read more

Redirecting java Standard output and standard error to file

It is useful to redirect standard java output to a file. However, if you are wondering why your stacktrace from e.printStackTrace() is not being redirected to a file then read on… Say you have a program called To redirect the output to a text file do java RedirectExample > output.txt However, if your code in … Read more