Parse JSON for Java using org.json
org.json has classes to parse Json for Java. It also converts between JSON and XML, HTTP header, Cookies, and CDF. The main classes are:
- org.json.JSONObject – This class stores unordered key-value pairs. The value can be Boolean, JSONArray, Number, String or JSONObject.NULL. It has constructors to take in a JSON string and store it as key-value pairs. It also has constructors that take in a Map, a bean or a String
- org.json.JSONTokener – This class parses a JSON string and is also used internally by the JSONObject and JSONArray classes to parse JSON Strings
- org.json.JSONArray – This class stores an ordered sequence of values. Externally it represents a JSON Array
- org.json.JSONWriter – This class represents a method to produce JSON text. It has an append(String) method to append a string to a JSON text, key(String) and value(String) method to add key and values to JSON string. It can also write an array.
- org.json.CDL– This class has methods to convert comma delimited text to JSONArray and a JSONArray to a comma delimited text. The array contains rows of comma separed strings, with rows separated by newline. The first row contains names.
- org.json.Cookie – This class has method to convert a web browser cookie to a JSONObject and back.
- org.json.CookieList – This class has method to convert a list of cookies to JSONObject and back.
Let’s see some examples
Parse JSON
This example shows how to parse a JSON string. The JSON string in this example is a list of genres (limited to 2) from
package com.studytriails.json.orgjson; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; public class ParseJson1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { String url = ""; String genreJson = IOUtils.toString(new URL(url)); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(genreJson); // get the title System.out.println(json.get("title")); // get the data JSONArray genreArray = (JSONArray) json.get("dataset"); // get the first genre JSONObject firstGenre = (JSONObject) genreArray.get(0); System.out.println(firstGenre.get("genre_title")); } }
Build JSON using a bean
Let’s look at how to build the same JSON string as above but using a bean for the genre
package com.studytriails.json.orgjson; import org.json.JSONObject; public class BuildJson1 { public static void main(String[] args) { JSONObject dataset = new JSONObject(); dataset.put("genre_id", 1); dataset.put("genre_parent_id", JSONObject.NULL); dataset.put("genre_title", "International"); // use the accumulate function to add to an existing value. The value // will now be converted to a list dataset.accumulate("genre_title", "Pop"); // append to the key dataset.append("genre_title", "slow"); dataset.put("genre_handle", "International"); dataset.put("genre_color", "#CC3300"); // get the json array for a string System.out.println(dataset.getJSONArray("genre_title")); // prints ["International","Pop","slow"] // increment a number by 1 dataset.increment("genre_id"); // quote a string allowing the json to be delivered within html System.out.println(JSONObject.quote(dataset.toString())); // prints // "{\"genre_color\":\"#CC3300\",\"genre_title\":[\"International\",\"Pop\",\"slow\"], // \"genre_handle\":\"International\",\"genre_parent_id\":null,\"genre_id\":2}" } }
Creating a CSV from JsonArray
Let’s look at an example of how to use the java.json.CDL class to convert a JSON array to a CSV
package com.studytriails.json.orgjson; import; import; import; import org.json.CDL; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; public class JsonToCsv { public static void main(String[] args) { String url = ""; try { String genreJson = IOUtils.toString(new URL(url)); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(genreJson); System.out.println(CDL.toString(new JSONArray(json.get("dataset").toString()))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Hello Mithil,
I am trying to get a better understanding of JAVA org.json.JSONObject
I have three beans that handle my remote MySQL connectivity and issue of SQL statement to select * from the table.
I have one bean that retrieves the remote data and converts it into a JSON array that I need to modify to produce a JSON string that can be referenced in web.xml mapped URL.
Please, would you have any advice on where to find guidance or tutorials to accomplish this?